Wednesday, 19 November 2014

James's 1st Birthday - May 17th.

James and Mommy

Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeeeeee.......

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The cake is all mine......look how cute i am.....

bit blurry this one, i wonder who took the photo??? (dad looks happy though with my cake!)

Put me back in there woman, this is my cake......

yumi yumi yumi

Me and my big brother, 

yes indeed, Mexican health and safety, hold a lit candle, yes please

the candle tastes good too....

and so does my first......

This is one big cake........i think we are going to need a bigger belly....

Family photo, just look how close dad is to the cake.......

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Here is a big change. This is no longer just my blog but is a blog for me and my new baby brother. His names is James. We are going to have such great adventures and will put all the pics on this blog for you to see.....hope you enjoy. Lots of Love Chris and James