Monday, 10 March 2014

James's Big Day.....The Christening....

Mom and James on the big day.

Granny and Aunty SJ...

Here take him........

ok thanks very much....

Uncle Titch looking at the paparazzi

Why so serious Dad........oh yes, i see, mom has a your suit....

Yep, keep that thing at arms length.......

Hahaha Quality from Dad, Monkey, take the candle away from my nice new suit.......ah thank you...

Job done and uncle Titch and aunty SJ are now the proud godparents for Jimmy James..........bring on the pressies because the little fella has been on hand me downs for 9 months now.......

Nice big family photo, not sure why i am not smiling though......

Nice one uncle Titch, thanks for coming to Mexico, we hope you can visit us again says no more babies though!!

Aunty Di getting artsy with the photos...

The look on Dad's face, i think James must have dropped a nasty....

Dad looking very proud with his boys there.....every one looking at a different camera.....excellent!!!

A very happy Granny with James.

Aron hanging with the girls.......

Nice one of the ladies all together with the flowers behind.......


Nice and fresh and ready to climb the Pyramids.......

Mom and Aunty shopping shopping.....

So the plan was the climb the big sweat....

Hi Uncle take one of Dad and he will take one of and Aunty Di still shopping in the background....

Q- How big is my big brother??.......A- he is very, very big...

Me and Ev getting ready for some pyramid climbing....

a nice one of all the intrepid explorers........

then Granny decided  to sit this one out.......

Granny making friends....

Uncle Titch, SJ and Ev - half way break.....

Dad, Mom, me and Aron...

Nice one of mom and Aunty SJ....its a shame the girls don't hang out more often.... :(

Here we are at the very top........nice one Dad......thats a great photo......another for next years Norway calendar i think!!

Granny and Aunty Di taken from the very top of the Pyramid.....and still making friends, or rather asking them to form a wall and protect them from the mini dust tornado that was about to strike.......

Me and Mom....she is looking very pretty here.......well done Mom.....

Aron of course.....

Here comes Uncle Titch and Evan

right then, big pyramid is done, where to next? We are going on an adventure....!!!!!!!!

And this is where we went, to the moon pyramid, smaller but wow the steps were tough, bigger and steeper.....OOOOOOO

And back we came, hang on, we are missing someone.......where am i????

Nice photo for Granny, nuff said..........

Chapultepec Zoo

Chocolate Lunch


Tourists looking at the Orangutang in a blue t-shirt.

That is one biiiiiiig monkey.

2 monkeys.

yeah, i am sure sure what i was doing its a funny face so it goes on the blog!!!

This will be on next years calendar

Look at that cute face.......

Jimmy playing the Maracas.

Me and Jimmy having a cuddle.....

Here is a big change. This is no longer just my blog but is a blog for me and my new baby brother. His names is James. We are going to have such great adventures and will put all the pics on this blog for you to see.....hope you enjoy. Lots of Love Chris and James