Tuesday, 28 April 2009

feeling a bit tired so dad is giving me a push..

being cool and going for a drive in the park...

some of my lady friends....

made it through the first day....

going in with my teacher - by mom......."goodbye cruel world"!
on my way to school - getting nervous.....where is mom taking me??

i forgot to tell you that i started school last month.......this is me about to levae on my first day....

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

countdown to next year's winter olympics..

sea planes taking off.....

mom and dad spent the day in Vancouver.
Here is mom down by the waterfront...

mom in front of the hotel..

last day....leaving the hotel...so sad :(

mom went bobsledding in the lobby of the hotel....
brrr looks cold doesn't it??

new friends...mom and dad met up with Simon who is a colleague of dads from Hong Kong and his friends that live in Whistler..Stuart, Lynne and their 3 kids. I want to be able to ski like the kids; dad says he does too!!!!

another fight in the snow - round 2 to dad!!
that's my mom and dad......
a SNOWWW MANNNN......i want one.
top of the mountain...

er what's this dad...you need the loo?

view of the mountain from the gondola

on the peak to peak gondola....dont look down!!

and the next morning it was blue skies.....

arty shot of mom with the snow falling behind...

view from the balcony...
dad - not sure what he's doing here though.....looks silly if you ask me...

mom didnt fall here - she was actually posing for the photo...(thats what we will tell the world anyway)

no suprises where she is now then!!

mom wanted a snow ball fight - guess who lost??

well mom and dad left me with my Mexi granny and went skiing to Whistler...hopefully next time they will take me.....
This is mom in front of the hotel, they stayed in the Fairmont Chateau Whistler....

Here is a big change. This is no longer just my blog but is a blog for me and my new baby brother. His names is James. We are going to have such great adventures and will put all the pics on this blog for you to see.....hope you enjoy. Lots of Love Chris and James