Thursday, 26 July 2007

i cant wait to be able to swim in the ocean with mom and dad.....maybe dad will buy a yacht - that would be really cool........

and here she is with me in glorious colour.......

my mom is soooooo cool...

black and white one of mom and me - she's looking good eh!!!

my first swimming pool and i love it......

chest out latino style......hola mamasitas....

this is a potential place for the party, dad looks pretty unhappy doesnt he? - poor guy, the whole day we just looked at villas to rent so he got no sun......hahahaha

on the balcony of our hotel suite, as it was my first time a the beach dad wanted to show me a good time so he paid for a nice suite with a great view of the bay.....player!!

my first trip to it was hot.....we were looking at places to have my christening party..

taking the sun......

after the christening in cocoyoc we went to spend the night at the hancienda cocoyoc...this is me with dad in my bugaboo in the gardens...

this is victoria and me....look at my eyes, not sure what is going on there, i must have been in a really deep conversation with, really, you dont say.....he did what??

another christening - this time we were in Cocoyoc for Victoria's party....

and here is Andy my other cousin...

me and my lady friend...

some of the family - me in the middle....

me and the girls - this family is full of women, i cant wait until i am 16 years older...they will all have lots of friends, it will be like shooting fish in a barrel!!!!

here i am on my own without the other guy getting in the way...much better picture.....its just me, me, me....

i think that someone has had a few drinks.......

me and mom just relaxing, dad was on the trampoline the with my cousins.....

I can see you......

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

this is me and the girls with Lola, Lionel and my Mexican granny...

auntie araceli, auntie lola, auntie alejandra and mom. The kids are me on the left, Fabiana and Noe

here i am with my mom and araceli.....

This was my first road trip, we went to Guadalajara to see my cousin Fabiana - she is the daughter of Pepe and Araceli....i will add some pics of them we are on the steps of the church...

Friday, 20 July 2007

thanks auntie Di - i love this outfit, i wear it all the time......

another pic of me and dad on the couch....must get mom to take some pics of us outside the house.......

Friday, 13 July 2007

i know what your thinking i am wearing giraffe PJs and playing with my toy tiger.....bit of an animal theme right?....wait until i am little older, dad bought me an England football strip but its too big for me now....when it fits that is all i am wearing....

playing with my mom

i have bluuuue eyes

i have no face....

Thursday, 12 July 2007

i am a wizard in my pointy hat...i will turn my mom into a ................monkey......

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

dad was complaining that i cost too much money and that i screwed up his holiday plans this year so guess what he did....he made me go to his office and do some work............he said that i owe him.......

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

i am fascinated by the mirror, must get that from my mom......

This is my play mat....

hello dad, i was talking with granny...what do you want??

in the middle of talking with granny again....

Monday, 9 July 2007

mom seems to keep buying me stripey outfits....

Saturday, 7 July 2007

we are just a couple of dudes hanging out......

Friday, 6 July 2007

hang on... there is something i want to watch on the TV.....


still in their bed..hope they let me stay here as its huge....loads of room for me to play.....or just sleep....

sleeping in mom and dads bed...

Here is a big change. This is no longer just my blog but is a blog for me and my new baby brother. His names is James. We are going to have such great adventures and will put all the pics on this blog for you to see.....hope you enjoy. Lots of Love Chris and James